Have not done this yet, but was just looking into it and wondered is is OK to share codes like that?? As I skimmed the terms and conditions, it states that codes are to be used only once. Where do you get these codes?? Just wondering. . .
Lynette, Thank you for your comment. Disney Movie Rewards do offer many codes (through their e-newsletter and on DVD/Blu Ray packages) that are "unique" - meaning they are one-time use only codes. They also periodically offer "magic codes" and other codes through their Facebook page and their website that are for multiple members to take advantage of. You will know the difference if you enter the code and it tells you it is an "invalid code." I appreciate your concern. I always try to find "the source" of the various codes that I post, and I will not ever knowingly share a code that is meant for one user (a "unique" code). Please let me know if you still have questions.
I am a stay at home mom of four kids in a remote town in NE Wisconsin. My husband is involved in a Christian camping ministry and we have been serving here for eight years. The Lord has recently been giving me a greater burden to make sure our resources are being used wisely...in a way that brings Him the most glory. I hope to share some of what I have learned with those of you who choose to follow this blog.
Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or suggestions you may have.
Have not done this yet, but was just looking into it and wondered is is OK to share codes like that?? As I skimmed the terms and conditions, it states that codes are to be used only once. Where do you get these codes?? Just wondering. . .
Thank you for your comment. Disney Movie Rewards do offer many codes (through their e-newsletter and on DVD/Blu Ray packages) that are "unique" - meaning they are one-time use only codes. They also periodically offer "magic codes" and other codes through their Facebook page and their website that are for multiple members to take advantage of. You will know the difference if you enter the code and it tells you it is an "invalid code." I appreciate your concern. I always try to find "the source" of the various codes that I post, and I will not ever knowingly share a code that is meant for one user (a "unique" code). Please let me know if you still have questions.
Thanks!!! That helps explain it. Keep up the good work--I enjoy your blog.
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