WooHoo! Diapers.com has just released some coupon codes that you DO NOT have to be a "new customer" to use! Plus, they appear to be "stackable" - meaning you can use both in one order (I haven't had a chance to try that out yet, so let me know if you find out differently!):
5FORMOM - $5.00 off any order now through 5/9.
7THGEN2 - $3.00 off any order of Seventh Generation Diapers
And don't forget, if you are a new Diapers.com customer, then you can use code TRIS1520 to get $10.00 off your first order of $49.00!
Here's a scenario for new customers:
Buy One Case of Seventh Generation Diapers (4 Packs) for $39.99
Buy One Jumbo Pack of Seventh Generation Diapers for $10.49
Use codes 5FORMOM and 7THGEN2 to get $8 Off
Use code TRIS1520 to get $10.00 Off
If your final order is over $49, you get FREE Shipping (sometimes it is worth it to add something to your order to get free shipping)
= Pay $32.48 shipped for 5 packs of Seventh Generation Diapers or $6.50 a pack!
Of course, if you decide not to buy Seventh Generation diapers, you can still use the other two coupon codes on another diaper purchase. They have some great sales on other brands like an 84 count box of Huggies Newborn diapers for just $19.99!
Thanks, CouponCravings!
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