FYI - On the BN MP3 free downloads, it will have .01 cents but when you check out they "subtract" it, so it really is free. Also, it will ask for payment info (if you don't have an account with them I guess). I just selected the "Pay by phone" option and filled out the required fields, which ironically does not require your phone number, and proceeded to check out. Was pretty easy once you know what things to check and fill in. Hope this helps someone. bad. In order to get the free downloads you DO have to give them billing info. I got an email saying they couldn't complete the order until they got that. Called the BN phone # and the gentleman said they just have to have it in order to complete the order, but nothing would be charged. Well, at least it's still free! :)
I am a stay at home mom of four kids in a remote town in NE Wisconsin. My husband is involved in a Christian camping ministry and we have been serving here for eight years. The Lord has recently been giving me a greater burden to make sure our resources are being used a way that brings Him the most glory. I hope to share some of what I have learned with those of you who choose to follow this blog.
Please feel free to e-mail me with any questions or suggestions you may have.
FYI - On the BN MP3 free downloads, it will have .01 cents but when you check out they "subtract" it, so it really is free. Also, it will ask for payment info (if you don't have an account with them I guess). I just selected the "Pay by phone" option and filled out the required fields, which ironically does not require your phone number, and proceeded to check out. Was pretty easy once you know what things to check and fill in. Hope this helps someone.
Thanks for the tips, Becky! bad. In order to get the free downloads you DO have to give them billing info. I got an email saying they couldn't complete the order until they got that. Called the BN phone # and the gentleman said they just have to have it in order to complete the order, but nothing would be charged. Well, at least it's still free! :)
Thanks for updating the info, Becky! I don't always get to try ALL of the deals, so it is helpful to have people fill us in on the details!
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